South Everett Food Bank
Clients drive up and volunteers put the bags of food into the client’s vehicles.
Site Supervisor email:
Every Other Tuesday Other
Info: In a professional/casual work setting, volunteers should wear clothing that is comfortable and practical for work, but not distracting or offensive to others. Any clothing that has words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to other volunteers, clients, or employees is unacceptable.
In the food bank, volunteers are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers to accommodate varying temperatures. Volunteers are required to wear close-toed shoes in the food bank.
2:30 pm to 5 pm
805 W Casino Rd Everett, WA 98204
Please DO NOT sign up to volunteer at any in-person events if you are sick or believe that you have any symptoms of COVID-19. We would never want to put our members at risk in any way, and there are plenty of virtual or at-home ways to earn hours this semester. If you choose to volunteer in-person, make sure you follow all state and county coronavirus guidelines and stay safe when volunteering!
Additionally, please do NOT skip class to attend events. If an event takes place during school hours, only volunteer if you're in Running Start/have an alternative schedule that doesn't cause you to skip class!