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Staff Appreciation


Organization: Friends of Echo Glen, email:
Echo is short-handed, pay is less than many other government agencies, and lower than nearly all for-profit businesses. Supporting some of our most at-risk and traumatized kids from all over the state can be rewarding but it is also very emotionally draining. Clearly, they stay because they genuinely care for the youth and want to make a difference in their lives.
-Let’s rally as a community and make sure they know that we think they are heroes, and we know that what they do REALLY matters. They are transforming the lives of the current residents, their future families, our communities, and beyond!
Here’s how you can demonstrate that you value what they do:
-Encouraging cards or letters, -APPRECIATION GIFT BAGS - provide chocolate, gift cards for coffee/tea, pampering gifts, or anything you or your group can think of to encourage the staff.
-PIZZA & SNACKS - Any recommendations? Have a contact with a socially conscious company like Mod Pizza?
Letting them know that you appreciate them investing their hearts and lives into the youth at echo
Leave off any contact info. Volunteers will open & discard envelopes with return addresses
Send cards & gifts to: (Echo Glen cannot receive these items directly)
Friends of Echo Glen
704 228th Ave NE; #204
Sammamish, WA 98074
No clear sign up info, basically you make cards or gift bags, and send to the address, students should probably email before hand to let them know who is making and sending the cards.


No shifts, at own convenience. (Virtual)


Virtual Event/At home(there is no fixed address)

Event Type


Please DO NOT sign up to volunteer at any in-person events if you are sick or believe that you have any symptoms of COVID-19. We would never want to put our members at risk in any way, and there are plenty of virtual or at-home ways to earn hours this semester. If you choose to volunteer in-person, make sure you follow all state and county coronavirus guidelines and stay safe when volunteering!

Additionally, please do NOT skip class to attend events. If an event takes place during school hours, only volunteer if you're in Running Start/have an alternative schedule that doesn't cause you to skip class! 

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